Trading Privilege for Faith

I used to have an insanely lucrative job – and I was miserable.

Three years later, at 61, I’m searching through online ads for yoga instructors, it’s far from obvious we’ll be able to keep the house, vacations are a distant memory, our cupboards and clothes reflect my long-term unemployed status – and I’m happy. [Though admittedly, my joy and bliss isn’t always shared by those I love.]

The greatest irony in all this is that I have something priceless – that for the life of me, I can’t give away let alone sell. No matter how hard I try, trying to get someone else to see through my eyes isn’t possible – says my TCM master. Wish he’d told me that three years ago!

It’s beyond frustrating. I literally see the same thing others do, but from an entirely different paradigm – through rose-colored glasses if you will – because I see the miracle behind what I’m looking at.

Aside from the fact that without consciousness we’d have no idea what our body and mind were doing (!), consider that literally everything that has ever happened since the beginning of time, had to happen EXACTLY as it did in order for this moment to manifest. Ask a statistician what those odds are!

Every dinosaur fart? Every musket shot? Every love letter? Every song? Every death? Yeah.

Life is miraculous. Appreciate the ride, because in your current form you only go around once. ❤️

What I have that can’t be gifted or sold is the realization of the world of difference between my thoughts (evidence of my mind), and my awareness OF those thoughts (evidence of my indomitable, divine consciousness – my awareness – my soul – my spirit – my essence). 🙏

Patanjali’s Raja Yoga is a path to faith….

….and FAITH engenders serenity, courage and wisdom to overcome our worst intangible desires and fears. 🕉

God bless, Allan❤️🙏🕉


Joan of Arc was raised on a farm.

At the age of 18 she became divinely-inspired to persist and ultimately succeed in leading the French to victory IN BATTLE against the English [think about THAT the next time you’re at the gym]!

A year later, again IN BATTLE while serving the same king whom she’d help liberate France, she was captured by the English.

The French king turned his back on her, making no effort to rescue the young French heroine.

After publicly besting and embarrassing her captors, at the age of 19 Joan was burned at the stake…



That was the only public charge made against her.

Faith engenders a sense of purpose and “CAN’T TOUCH THIS!” attitude that Joan of Arc embodied – that and a lot of love and a bit of craziness!

Joan of Arc is my patron saint. Who’s your’s?

January meditation class schedule

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Joan of Arc post source