Takeaways from chapter one of Patanajali’s Yoga Sutras (see recent FB posts)

Raja Yoga is a life-long endeavor to control our thoughts – because our thoughts precede our actions, which directly impact our health and wellbeing.

The crux of Raja Yoga comes in understanding the difference between our mind and consciousness. Our mind is tangible; it has four functions: thinking, sensing, remembering, and identity; however, our consciousness is IN-tangible; it doesn’t “do” anything; it never changes (in that sense it’s eternal!); its simply the awareness OF our thoughts; without it, our body and mind would function, we just wouldn’t be aware of it!

In short, consciousness is the essence of who and what we are. The object of Raja Yoga is to progressively subdue and calm the four functions of our mind, successively passing through four gradually clearer states of mind, until eventually realizing our own nature with absolute clarity: the blissful stillness of consciousness itself.

Patanjali’s only instruction in the first chapter: never give up; always let go.