Raja Yoga – misconception #1: no time to practice!

Raja Yoga is a “householder’s” practice. In other words, it’s for those of us who don’t or can’t devote hours a day to living mindfully – but certainly want to know how!

Ninety percent of the practice of Raja Yoga takes place BEFORE we sit to meditate. We may not have time to sit still every day, but we can act in a manner that will make it easier and more rewarding when we do. Here’s how:

1). Follow the Golden Rule.

2) Treat yourself respectfully.

3) In thought and deed be faithful, courageous, strong & wise.

4) Practice controlling your body – so you can sit upright & comfortably when you do meditate.

5) Practice controlling your breathing – so you can breathe deeply & subtly when you do meditate.

6) Practice controlling your thoughts – so you can focus when you do meditate, and

7) Meditate when you want or need to draw closer to the subtlest aspect of yourself: your still, calm, quiet consciousness: the awareness OF your thoughts.

The physical, energetic and mental affects of meditation are similar to massage: almost blissful, though fading.

Raja Yoga is one path to realizing beyond any doubt what you already know intuitively: that your consciousness is different than your mind. That realization WILL change your life.

From my heart to yours, Skip

skip@rajamarblehead.com      www.rajamarblehead.com