
Intuitively, you know that your body is energetic since it requires energy to move, but it also requires energy (albeit subtler) to think; specifically, to change your mind and go in a different direction!

How does it work? The three-horse chariot is a classic Raja Yoga metaphor of your energetic self:

3 HORSES – represent the three functions of your subconscious mind: 1) sensory receipt & processing (i.e., bodily functioning), 2) memory storage, and 3) your sense of “I-am”

REINS – represent the subtle subconscious mental energy that powers your three subconscious mental functions; this subconscious mental energy or mind can be controlled by your conscious mind

CHARIOTEER – represents the conscious mental energy that you’re aware of: your thoughts! This is the part of your mind that you make decisions with and that you hear. Your conscious mind should remain vigilant (THAT is the real practice of Raja Yoga!) and direct your subconscious mind regarding what to pursue and avoid – rather than letting it run amuck!

CHARIOT – represents your body; the energetically dense part that sustains, propels and protects you; its up to you to keep your chariot in good working order to more effectively fulfill your responsibilities. Obviously, the physical demands on a soldier are different than a grade school teacher – but a broken chariot is going to distract any charioteer!

In short, we are literally pulled about by the natural functioning of our subconscious mind: an energetic mix of sensations, memories and need, BUT thankfully we can use our conscious mind to reign in and direct our subconscious mind’s natural tendencies.

Raja Yoga is a dual practice in self-awareness and self-control for which I thank God and the divinely inspired Patanjali, every day.
