Mystical Experiences

The third part of Patanjali’s outline – after describing the act of meditation – offers a laundry list of mystical experiences that advanced yogis have had – including the ability to communicate with animals and become invisible to others!

It’s fascinating that such mysticism is an aspect of one of the six mainstream Indian philosophy systems! This stuff is real folks! A rabbi told me recently that there’s an entire sect of the Jewish faith that follows such a mystical path to this day!

My favorite online Raja Yoga resource, – says “the true yogi sees these as nothing but subtler clouds of attraction that are impediments to [enlightenment].”

Edwyn Bryant, Rutgers professor says “real yogis neither aspire for such powers nor, if they possess them as unsought by-products of their practices, display them for cheap adulation.”

I don’t expect to make myself invisible to others anytime soon – but after 14 years of meditating, I am getting pretty good at communicating with Penny!

Meditation – who knew?!

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