For Kurt – Tools of the Trade

Kurt – I didn’t know you attended Rutgers – though I knew you were smart!!

Edwyn F. Bryant is Professor of Religions of India at your alma mater. He’s my teacher – though he’d insist that I caveat that by admitting I don’t teach it in the classical manner in which he taught me!

I carry these texts to every class; the tome in the middle is Bryant’s. They represent different interpretations of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the 3,000 year-old, 200-line poem I teach, though “poem” is like calling the pyramids buildings (thought you’d appreciate that analogy!) or the Mona Lisa a painting!

These were written by four of my teachers: Amma, Bryant, Satichidananda (who’s text we use in class), and It’s extremely helpful when trying to intuit the meaning of the sutras to read several interpretations – because everyone has their own!!

September class schedule