Meditation doesn’t work as well if it’s not done with its original intent – let alone if we don’t understand how our mind works!


Meditation is the original form of prayer. It grew out of a time in human history (before modern religion) when we were literally killing things (sometimes each other) in hopes of appeasing God. Eventually, we figured out THAT only worked 50% of the time – like flipping a penny!

Meditation is a very personal, internal form of sacrifice. We give up what’s MOST precious to us: our time and energy. But to be truly effective, it must be done selflessly – as a form of sacrifice (think prayer).

More literally, meditation is the science and practice of mind control. It’s a four-part holistic practice to prove to oneself that God* does exist.


Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras outline a science, not a religion. If you’re religious, practicing meditation will turbocharge that spirit and practice. If you’re not religious, keep meditating! 😉

Patanjali doesn’t care how, or what or whom we “pray” to, as long as our thoughts and actions are sincere and selfless. Ironically (yet scientifically) its only when we TRULY give of ourselves energetically that we are rewarded in a fulfilling and lasting manner.


Once THAT realization sinks in, it’s not long before we realize that living a life of service is a practical way of expressing appreciation and gratitude for the miracle of our own life, while honoring its Source. That realization is not only literally life changing and affirming, it’s *&^%$#! AWESOME!


How did I go from being a closed-minded, skeptical atheist to an open-minded, devotee and promoter of the teachings of Patanjali, Satchidananda and Amma in 14 years? By meditating.

Once you realize that your own consciousness [the aspect of you without which you wouldn’t know you’re reading this(!), but which you won’t find described in any Western science textbook] is NOT subject to time and space, after the bewilderment wears off you’ll smile a lot more than you’ll frown.

There’s a part of each of us that’s NOT AFFECTED BY ANYTHING (unlike our bodies and thoughts which change constantly; consciousness – the awareness OF our thoughts – never does)!


Once THAT realization sinks in, your paradigm of life is turned upside down and you see yourself and others – not as they appear and sound – rather, as so many overstressed, and lost souls inasmuch as they aren’t aware of the miracle they are. <3

[If you don’t want to think about God, consider this: you reading this is literally a consequence of EVERYTHING that has ever happened – AND – your reading this will contribute to literally EVERYTHING that happens henceforth. If you try calculating the odds of you being here – factoring in every time a dinosaur pooped – you can quickly see how we are each a *&^%$#! miracle!]


As Amma says, divinity is the essence of our consciousness. See it in yourself and you’ll see it in others.

<3 God bless


* Consciousness is not “of this earth”; our consciousness doesn’t react to time and space the way our bodies and thoughts do. For purposes of this discussion, think of “God” (whatever that term means to you) as the source of your consciousness AND everything else!

Class schedule; please inquire about Skype lessons if you don’t live nearby!