This is for Sue’s niece whom we love, adore and cherish as our own! <3

Kid, there’s a link below to an meditation exercise post – but here are a few words about preparing to practice.

Most of my posts are about the importance of preparing to meditate, the science, philosophy and consequences of meditation – because the actual act of meditating is simple:

Sit as still as you can for as long as you can.


That’s it. Not much to write about. You can’t do it incorrectly – just more or less effectively!

While I don’t recommend diving into Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (what I teach) without a map, keep this in mind:

25% is devoted to preparing to meditate – and 50% of that is devoted to the importance of our attitude; the other 50% is devoted to how to act OFF the mat to more effectively meditate!


Bottom line: make your time on the mat or cushion count; make it special, something you look forward to. Pick a time, place, lighting, etc. that you find welcoming and calming. Approach meditating with a devotional, loving attitude – for YOURSELF!

Close your eyes almost all the way (‘cause you don’t want to fall asleep!) and turn your attention internally – behind the voice in our head. 😉 Don’t worry; it gets easier!

Just LISTEN to your body/mind. What’s it telling you? NOT the noisy, loud part (the voice that speaks in words) but the much more subtle part that gets your attention using sensations and images.

Just LISTEN. Lovingly. Without analysis or judgment. There’s plenty of time for that off the cushion!

Meditation is a practice in self-love. In the process you get to know a part of you that you didn’t even know existed! And when THAT happens – I promise: you’ll smile more than you frown.

Ironically, once we begin to see our self differently (specifically, as the friggin’ miracle we each are!!) we begin to understand LIFE, including the other people in it, and see them more clearly and lovingly as well.

Simple, not easy. But as with everything, we get out of it what we put into it.

God bless!! Hugs!! Is it Christmas yet?! Vegans rule!!

Meditation Exercise