60 Year-Old White Guy

Why is a 60 year-old white guy from Boston jumping up & down and screaming about consciousness?

Because I just discovered mine two years ago.

Why did it take me so long (13 years of devout searching)?

Unlike Eastern cultures which revere and honor this aspect of each of us, here in the States I was raised to believe that if I couldn’t see, smell, hear, taste or touch something, it probably wasn’t “true” – and according to my grandfather (whom I love beyond measure) not worth wasting time on.

Sigh. I lived 58 years of my life with the light out. Please don’t do the same.

Ironically, it’s only through the Eastern practices of self-reflection and control that it’s possible to sense some things: to know them as “true” on an intuitional level MUCH deeper than thought. [I teach Raja Yoga and Medical Qigong].

Meditate. You can’t do it wrong, but it helps to have a teacher. That’s why I’m here.

God bless, Skip