If you have a friend or neighbor who spends all day every day doing things for other people to the point that they’re not taking care of themselves (e.g., not eating, sleeping and/or exercising adequately – my mother comes to mind)…..

….with love, let them know that there’s a reason the stewardess tells us to put our own oxygen mask on first: so we can do a BETTER job serving others.

Take care of ALL of you, including your non-physical bits!

Learn to distinguish between your conscious and sub-conscious mind….

1  Conscious mind “thinks” – this aspect of our mind:

  • is evidenced by the voice in our head: words, typically of judgment or analysis;
  • functions like our heart and lungs: single, consecutive, constant beats, breaths, and thoughts;
  • has five operating “gears” or functions: 1,2,3, R & N [when we meditate, we’re looking for “Neutral” or observation-only mode]!

2  Sub-conscious mind “does” – this aspect of our mind:

  • “runs the ship” (i.e., controls physical movement: walking, talking, pooping, blood circulation, organ function, etc.) without our having to consciously think about doing those things;
  • stores our memories;
  • is typically taken for granted because we can’t “hear” it; rather, our sub-conscious mind is evidenced by actions, sensations, insights, instinct, and intuition.

……and between mind and consciousness.


3  Consciousness “is” – the awareness OF our thoughts (i.e., the witness: the “YOU” behind your thoughts) doesn’t “do” anything, nor can anything be “done” to it! For all intents and purposes, as long as your body/mind is sustained by energy, this aspect of you benignly “witnesses” it all – WITHOUT judgment (which is a product of our conscious mind).

Our deep, calm, quiet, still, underlying, non-judgmental consciousness is a source of indescribable bliss.

Tap into it!

Learn to drop beneath the static and noise (and the voice!) of your conscious mind – and experience a holistically restoring and energizing state of being – AT WILL!!


Take yourself offline! Meditate!

Blessings, Skip