According to the Internet, an addict “devotes or surrenders him/herself to something habitually or obsessively.”

Have I mentioned that I suffer from addictive tendencies? Some good: meditation. Others not-so-much.


Several years ago, as an under-challenged and grossly overpaid accountant for a large investment firm, I pursued desires with abandon, and often a single-mindedness that would make my Irish ancestors smile.

Before the bottom fell out of our lives economically ten years ago, I collected almost 2,500 girly comic books from the late 90’s. It all started – and ended with Ricky Carralero’s Double Impact – don’t be fooled by imitations; his business partner signed Ricky’s name to lots of sub-par pics – the difference is obvious! Ricky’s pics jump off the page! Just sayin’…….

I methodically organized, cataloged, photographed, labeled and stored every piece of my prized collection (some I even read!) with my usual all-in mentality – until it stopped fulfilling me, and I turned my attention elsewhere.

Fast forward ten years. Corporate America reaches out from beyond the grave and says I owe them $5,000. [I checked; they’re right. Damn!]

Anyone want to buy 2,500 girly comic books? I just told a potential buyer “It’s a teenage boy’s dream – if the boy was born before 1960!”

Easy come; easy go.💔

[You see why I say Sue is divine!]