While I was driving in to visit the old goat, I heard two things on the radio:

  • a news story about a young woman who had just been told she had six months to live, and
  • Scotty McCreery’s country music song, “Five More Minutes”.

Whether my friend has 5 minutes, six months or 46 years left here – think of all we can do in five minutes, let alone six months!

I like the story about the honorable old Samurai walking his last several yards to where – based on the strength of his convictions – he ritualistically committed suicide.

During his final walk, time seemed to slow down. He became more alive: he felt the grass under his feet, the sun and breeze against his skin, the smell of flowers and incense, and the sound of birds overhead.

Be the Samurai: the master of yourself.

None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

If today were your last day here what would you do? I suspect it has something to do with friends and family.


My buddy’s last request before they knocked him out (to – his words – “Crack me open like a lobster”) was to make sure his family had dinner that night.

He’s a Samurai – like Silverstein’s “The Giving Tree”: selfless to the end.

OK Samurai – don’t get complacent. Training starts as soon as your fat ass is up and out of that damned hospital bed!!!

Love, Skip