Train Your Mind

The link below has several more contained within it. A couple talk about the mechanics of meditating: sitting upright & still, breathing rhythmically, and focusing on something preferably inside yourself (like the mechanics & sensations of breathing) – but the common theme throughout is self-awareness which yogis practice all day, every day.

Self-awareness in this context refers to the recognition of having – and discerning between – three invisible parts: your conscious “thinking” mind, sub-conscious “doing” mind, and consciousness itself.

Bottom line: your “thinking” mind can literally only think one thought at a time (yes, we multi-task, but not with this aspect of ourselves). Doubtful? Try simultaneously counting and reciting the alphabet. Not going to happen.

Want to “see” your sub-conscious “doing” mind in action? Recite the alphabet and dance around, or fold laundry, or do the dishes, take a shower – any action. Since your thinking mind can literally only do one thing at a time, everything you’re doing other than reciting the alphabet is evidence of your naturally sub-conscious mind in action. When it clicks it’ll freak you out; it’s as if our bodies move on their own!

Consciousness is the holy grail of this practice. Your awareness is exactly the same today as the day you were born. While our thoughts change constantly, our awareness OF them never does. Once you realize there’s a part of you that literally NEVER changes, it’ll freak you out! Never changes = eternal. This is where the spiritual aspect of the discipline kicks in.

Without awareness (aka consciousness), our body and mind would still function – we just wouldn’t know it!

What’s the practical point of all this? 1) being able to mute the voice in your head at will can be tremendously advantageous – especially under pressure, and 2) when the nature of your own awareness dawns – and you realize that part of you is immutable – well, tangible things like desire and anger begin to fade away.

Here’s the link, feel free to ask me anything you want – I LOVE THIS!

Best, Allan ❤️😊🕉