Holiday Challenge

Try simultaneously counting and reciting the alphabet.

Right. That’s not happening. Our conscious mind (the aspect we’re aware of) can literally only do one thing at a time!

But we constantly multitask even when we’re not aware of it. Thankfully, we don’t need to consciously think about every breath and step! Walking and chewing gum would be difficult!

That’s because our sub-conscious mind is silently processing all of our less challenging mental and routine physical tasks. Anything an alligator can do, our sub-conscious mind is capable of: walking, breathing, chewing, pooping.

Knowing that our conscious mind can only do one thing at a time, and our sub-conscious mind is silent…..

… a math problem in your head.

Got it? OK. Two things just happened simultaneously. WHAT?! YUP:

  1. Your conscious mind did the math problem, and
  2. You were aware that you were doing it.

The latter is your consciousness.

Without it you wouldn’t know you were alive, let alone doing math problems!

Meditate – it’s what’s good for you!

We are literally three dimensional beings: our awareness OF our thoughts is as distinct from our thoughts as our thoughts are from our bodies.

Here’s the real challenge: #meditatein2018. Restore, refresh and recharge. Tap into the aspect of you that’s unaffected by anything: your consciousness.

How do you know you’re getting close? Consciousness is evidenced by three things: awareness, intuition and bliss. It’s also the source of curiosity and compassion.

Meditation literally provides access to a different dimension of our self, deepening our intuition and fostering a relationship with the Source of the universe.

This holiday season take a break and see for yourself. Meditate and be transformed by your essence.

May you know peace, health and awareness,

Allan “Skip” Dowds

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