True story: advice from my mother’s boyfriend (Fred ❤) in 1978 after I had a drug-induced nervous breakdown:

“It shouldn’t take long to find yourself. I find myself every time I urinate.”

[though Fred said it more colorfully – and loudly ❤; his point was “Suck it up Buttercup!”]


As a male of the species, I must confess that mentality runs deep in our DNA.

It took me almost 40 years but I eventually found myself – and in so doing discovered a depth and source of faith, strength, courage and wisdom I can only wish for others.

Do you want true lasting peace? To genuinely feel like the luckiest, most blessed person to ever breathe? To laugh at yourself sitting in a princess carriage in a public store? 😂

Meditate. Find confidence in yourself. If I can do it, so can you!!


Someone posted on my last FB ad: “You dumb F#ck; all you have to do is close your eyes!” Pretty much, but I can help with what comes next!

YOUR consciousness NEVER changes.  SO WHAT?!


Uhm….how many things can you name that NEVER change? Right. None.

Yet YOUR consciousness – YOUR awareness – is eternal. The aspect without which you could still read this  because your mind would still function – you just wouldn’t realize you were!

Yeah. Your awareness is eternal. Kind of a big deal since it’s an aspect of YOU!!!!!

Meditate. THAT blissful essence of YOU runs deep – but you’ll know it as you draw closer – like a scuba diver knows she’s descending even with her eyes closed. The affects of meditating (drawing closer to your own consciousness) are cumulative, profound and lasting.

God bless. ❤😊🕉