WHAT DOES CONSCIOUSNESS HAVE TO DO WITH RELAXING? [Alternative title: Why is the Raja Yogi teaching Medical QiGong?]

Just because we’re not equipped to literally experience or fully comprehend consciousness – think about this:

Here’s how consciousness has been described since the dawn of our species:

  • Infinite – unaffected by space
  • Eternal – unaffected by time
  • Omnipresent – everywhere
  • Omnipotent – all-knowing
  • Omniscient – all-powerful
  • A balance between wisdom and curiosity
  • A balance between awareness and clarity
  • A balance between bliss and compassion

A source of courage, wisdom, serenity and faith – Patanjali

Infilling everything, pervading everywhere, impelling all – Amma

Tap into THAT PART OF YOU and experience what happens!


Relaxing? Yup.

Here’s how I experience it:  [remember, meditating is uniquely personal. It’s something you do for yourself – lovingly(!) – because like physical exercise, ONLY YOU CAN. Ironically, it works better when our intention is to better serve others!]

I find meditation relieving, reassuring and reaffirming in a loving, non-judgmental accepting sense. Sometimes it almost feels as if I’m being holistically embraced. I often reemerge from my sub-conscious journeys feeling subtly holistically energized!

Little picture: How we get our physical body and non-physical mind to relax sufficiently to enable that sense of holistic union or yoga doesn’t matter. That’s where QiGong’s breathing, movement and visualization comes in!


Meditate – you can’t do it incorrectly [just more efficiently – that’s why I’m here]!!

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)



One of Sue’s favorite new TV shows is “Grown-ish”, a spinoff of “Blackish”. Skin color aside, I’ve discovered another reason I may be having trouble enlightening today’s youth: we don’t speak the same language!!

I watched an entire episode, after which I told Sue, “I have NO idea what they were talking about!”

One of my teachers believes that our species has literally evolved: that children born after 1990 have developed a new predisposition. Give a two year old a phone and watch what happens!!

Evolutionary time warp or not, we haven’t changed physiologically in thousands of years.

The holistic practice of Raja Yoga (meditation) is timeless.


It’s the oldest (read most time-tested!) form of self-care known to man – of any age!

Mind control or meditation hinges entirely upon a single principle: that consciousness is NOT a mental function!


Once that “clicks”, well……..you and your problems seem somehow lighter, certainly less stressful!


Meditate – you can’t do it incorrectly [just more efficiently – that’s why I’m here]!!

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)



Dear Dan,

Thank you. We need more well-informed, respected public figures advocating and promoting meditation. God bless you.

Please forgive my complete lack of humility, but if you’ll indulge me:

Only 10%? Keep practicing!!😊

The science of mind control or meditation is prehistoric.

Long before the advent of written language and modern religion, the original discipline was memorialized in an epic 200-line poem: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

Patanjalian or Raja Yoga was developed in India at a time in human history when it was becoming apparent that sacrificing THINGS (God forbid live ones) only worked about 50% of the time.

Patanjali and his predecessors turned the practice of trying to influence that which can’t be influenced into a practice of trying to better understand and serve it. These ancient sages effectively reverse-engineered the human experience from our outer gross physical body to the essence of our being: consciousness…

…for the purpose of reducing human suffering FOR ALL MANKIND FOREVER.


Over the millennia, the practice of meditation (trying to tap into our divine essence) morphed into the modern practice of prayer.

That said, you are absolutely correct that meditation can be practiced in a entirely “secular” fashion….

…(i.e., without a sense of sacrifice and devotion to the Source) but that’s like walking along a beach on a beautiful day with a paper bag over your head!! Sorry – but how did none of those experts make this point?!

Here’s the “non-secular” science in a nutshell:

It’s based on Sankhya, the realization that consciousness (the awareness OF our thoughts) is not a mental function; rather, it’s as distinct from our mind and thoughts as our thoughts are from our bodies!

Consciousness alone in the entire universe is not subject to the vagaries of time and space (i.e., it’s the ONLY thing not subject to karma).

AND IT’S IN EACH OF US! Oooops, you can see how the “non-secular” aspect of the practice creeps in: life changes when we realize our own essentially divine nature.

Back to the “secular” science…

Humans exist in at least three distinguishable spatial dimensions: physical, mental and consciousness – the latter being the awareness OF the former.

Here’s the thing about consciousness that makes it unique in the universe: IT NEVER CHANGES – NEVER.

How do we know that something that’s literally intangible and never changes even exists?! And why should we care?!

Without consciousness we wouldn’t know we’re alive – let alone reading this!!

Try to imagine the nature of something that’s aware yet NEVER changes.

This aspect of OURSELVES – our intangible, essential awareness – has been described by people a lot smarter than me as eternally and infinitely compassionate and curious.

When we meditate we eventually settle through four energetically distinct states of mind before encountering our essence. The good news is there’s no wrong way to do it and the benefits are almost immediate and cumulative.

However if we practice with the original intent – as scripted by Patanjali to deepen our connection with the Source – THAT Sir, is an entirely different, much deeper, fulfilling, life-affirming and holistically healing experience.


Over time as we lovingly expose otherwise sub-conscious fears and desires to the light of our own self-compassion – those very tangible fears and desires dissipate, providing a physiological sense of lightness, relief and restoration lasting long after our time on the mat!

But to turbo-charge those physical and mental benefits – to experience something that will literally blow your tangible mind away – meditate with love, devotion and heartfelt gratitude as you ponder the nature of the Source of our very essence.

Thank you again for spreading the word – and your indulgence!

Blessings, Allan








According to SIVA REA:

“Many of us have only experienced surrendering to a higher source [Ishvara Pranidhana] as a last resort, when we’ve confronted seemingly insurmountable problems or in some other way hit the edge of our individual will and abilities.

But in the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali transforms “surrender” from this sort of last-resort, emergency response into an essential ongoing practice.


Patanjali repeatedly highlights Ishvara pranidhana as one of the five niyamas, or inner practices, of the ashta-anga (eight-limbed) path and, along with discipline (tapas) and self-study (svadhyaya), as part of kriya yoga, the threefold yoga of action.”

Source: yogajournal.com/yoga-101/the-practice-of-surrender


  • divine awareness eliminates desire;
  • self-control eliminates fear; 
  • self-awareness eliminates sorrow.

Sound familiar?


  • SERENITY to accept the things I can not change;
  • COURAGE to change the things I can; and
  • WISDOM to know the difference.


Tap into the power within. Meditate.

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)



Learn the oldest form of Yoga for the oldest reason:


find FAITH, SERENITY, COURAGE & WISDOM within yourself!



Consciousness 😊❤️🕉


 Allan’s Why


 Patanjali’s Poem


Raja Yoga is the ancient science of mind control (aka meditation) a discipline that fosters faith in self, life and God.

The prehistoric practice was memorialized by Patanjali in a 200-line poem, the Yoga Sutras, a treasure map to nothing less than eternal bliss!

The allure and promise of Raja Yoga is that with constant practice you WILL smile (contentedly!) more often than you frown.

Meditation will take you to a place that transcends earthly experience – and THAT will change your life!!


Raja yogi’s tip o’ the day (says the Irishman in me): faith comes before enlightenment. I only say that because it took me 13 years to find faith that God exists – but I haven’t figured out to levitate yet!!

I can help you get there in less time; however,…

… YOU have to put in the time and effort. For better or worse, I can only guide you!

God bless, Allan

$15 – scheduled group “meditation prep” classes

Current class schedule

  • Skype lessons
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • private lessons

Proud sponsor of Yoga Instructors Association (MA)


Joan of Arc was raised on a farm.

At the age of 18 she became divinely-inspired to persist and ultimately succeed in leading the French to victory IN BATTLE against the English [think about THAT the next time you’re at the gym]!

A year later, again IN BATTLE while serving the same king whom she’d help liberate France, she was captured by the English.

The French king turned his back on her, making no effort to rescue the young French heroine.

After publicly besting and embarrassing her captors, at the age of 19 Joan was burned at the stake…



That was the only public charge made against her.

Faith engenders a sense of purpose and “CAN’T TOUCH THIS!” attitude that Joan of Arc embodied – that and a lot of love and a bit of craziness!

Joan of Arc is my patron saint. Who’s your’s?

January meditation class schedule

Inquire about Skype lessons:

Joan of Arc post source


Here’s Patanjali’s message in a nutshell:

We are OF God.


Without consciousness we wouldn’t realize we’re alive!

Yes. Consciousness is a HUGE deal. It’s essentially divine – and we ALL have it!!

Consciousness is awareness OF thought. If you’re aware of your thoughts You aren’t those thoughts, nor your body. You are the awareness OF those things.

What does that make You?


Things like immortal, eternal, immutable. Let’s just say the common cold, flat tires and spoiled milk…




The prehistoric yoga texts say no amount of water or fire (covering the entire spectrum between them) can touch this part of us; today the ancients would say this part of each of us is bulletproof!


Find the real You. Meditate.❤️🕉

January meditation class schedule

Inquire about Skype lessons:



I highly suspect my daughter, who has an advanced degree in marketing, was being facetious, but it’s the truth of what I do:

I’m a spiritual guide.


Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras illuminate the path to nothing less than immortality – not of your body/mind obviously – but of YOU!

From an earlier FB post today:

If you’re aware of your body, you’re not your body.

If you’re aware of your thoughts, you’re not your thoughts.

What’s left?

The truly intangible, eternal and immutable consciousness without which your body/mind wouldn’t realize it was alive!!

Yes, Patanjali’s prehistoric 200-line masterpiece outlines a path to eternal bliss, explaining how to witness your own divine essence: consciousness.

I can help you better understand Patanjali’s  poem – hopefully enabling you to surpass me in my own spiritual quest!

God bless❤️🕉

$60 an hour for private tours; $15 for regularly scheduled trips

January meditation schedule


BKS Iyengar (my teacher’s teacher’s teacher) said yoga isn’t a religion; it’s the study of religion.

Once you realize that your consciousness literally isn’t “of this earth” – after freaking out – you naturally want to understand the source of THAT part of you which Western science accepts but can’t explain!

I attended a Buddhist “Sangha” last night (a gathering of devotees to collectively meditate). I met some of the truly kindest people I’ve bumped into in awhile. It was a wonderfully inclusive, loving celebration of life. Thank you to the host and hostess if you’re reading this.

I’ve posted about similar experiences with my Pentecostal and Bhakti Yoga friends: participating in group practices that evoke a collective state of semi-conscious mind, harmoniously tuned with loving and common intent to “dance with God” in some fashion. More powerful than sex, drugs and alcohol says this 60 year old addict. 🙏

A quick Googlenet search for similar devotional group practices turned up these two links. The articles are rather long but tremendously insightful, providing glimpses into the Hindu practice of “Puja”, and the Buddhist practice of Sangha; the latter is authored by Thich Nhat Hanh. ❤️

Hindu Puja
Buddhist Sangha

I shudder to wonder what our lives might be like without the insights and life-long devotion of LIVING saints like Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Lama, and Amma. Who am I missing?

Who are the other great living spiritual leaders who promote UNIVERSAL love: blind to race, status, sexuality and religion? 

Hoping the universal pendulum of Yin/Yang swings back towards the Light Side of the Force SOON!!

#BringBackPatanjali ❤️🕉
January meditation class schedule